Hola! My name is Jordi Fornells and I’m a visual and interaction designer with experience in effective product design, accessibility, design systems and outside-the-box UX.


Conceptualising, creating, maintaining and documenting Cardano, a brand new design system for Lloyd’s of London.

How I worked with with an innovative pet insurance provider to create a set of unique experience across multiple digital platforms.

How I redesigned Hostaly’s customer touchpoints and user interactions thinking about the ‘new normal’ after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

How I helped Chubb achieve consistent, accessible and easy to implement communications and products by guiding them through their digital transformation journey.

How I designed New York Life and AARP’s new life insurance email communications and implemented an effective design system for their internal teams.

(SPA) Cómo cree la plataforma de Compressflow y realicé un test de usabilidad para mejorar las funcionalidades de la plataforma.